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Postgresql 9.6 and Pgadmin3 trouble

Yesterday, I updated my PostgreSQL to the latest version 9.6 from version 9.5.

The upgrade process went successfully, unfortunately pgadmin choked a little bit dealing with PostgreSQL 9.6, everytime we want to define primary key an error is thrown:

ERROR: column "amgettuple" does not exist
LINE 1: WHERE EXISTS (SELECT 1 FROM pg_proc WHERE oid=amgettuple...

we can ignore this error and the primary key creation will succeed, however it is annoying.

My pgadmin was the latest version: pgadmin3 v 1.22.2

Visiting reveals that this version is the final version and won't be supported anymore. We are encouraged to use pgadmin4 instead.

I then downloaded and installed pgadmin4, installation was a pain in ass but I succeeded got it installed. However, pgadmin4 was terribly very slow. It also got a problem with the function debugger. After function parameters entry, the debugger is showed, unfortunately it only shows a blank page. However, invoking the debugger via Setting Breakpoint menu runs well (...but slow). I would say pgadmin4 is not ready yet.

Fortunately, google search told that there is someone who forked the pgadmin3 project and continue to maintain it.  In his  website only the Windows version are available. If you use linux like me, you have to compile your self.

Here is the steps I took to compile pgadmin3. I use ubuntu 12.04, if you use other distro please adjust accordingly.

  1. Install the required packages:

    $sudo apt-get install build-essential git libwxgtk2.8-dev libwxgtk2.8 libxml2 libxslt-dev python-sphinx
  2. Create directory and git clone the source code

    $git clone
  3. Make

    $cd pgadmin3
  4. After make you can proceed installing with sudo make install, but as I had already have pgadmin3 package installed, I just copied the resulted binary overwriting the old one:

    $sudo cp pgadmin/pgadmin3 `which pgadmin3`
  5. Finished. Big thanks to Dmitri Voronin ( ) for maintaining pgadmin3.


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