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Showing posts from 2012

Creating custom build wine deb package

In one of my projects, I need to install custom build of wine to several computers running ubuntu. Hence, I had to get the sources, apply the patch files and then compile the source.  Doing this for 1 computer is okay, however repeating this to several computers is a huge waste of time. The solution is compiling once and then build a debian package (*.deb), so for the other computers we just install the debian package file. Fortunately, making a debian package is very-very easy. Here is what I did:

Merge several pdfs in ubuntu

Some times we need to merge several pdf files into 1 pdf file. Fortunately, it is very easy to do it in ubuntu.   For instance, I have 2 pdf files: proposal_rpi.pdf and program_qc.pdf. Here is how I merge these 2 files into 1 pdf file: proposal_jan_15_2012.pdf: bambang@bambang-notebook:~$ gs -dNOPAUSE -sDEVICE=pdfwrite -sOUTPUTFILE=proposal_jan_15_2012.pdf -dBATCH proposal_rpi.pdf program_qc.pdf

Tip: Recompiling PHP under linux

There is a problem if we install PHP from source, i.e: when we need to recompile due to a new version we should reapply the old configure parameter. Forgetting to enable some features often means break our web application which depends to the feature, however it is also hard memorizing what parameters we passed to the configure command as we do not often compiling the PHP. Fortunately, there is an easy way. Here it goes: