Last night, I decided to upgrade my MySQL from version 4.1 to version 5 on my Windows XP box. I went to mysql's download area and downloaded the latest windows MSI installer version 5.1.37. After finished downloading the huge 91MB file, I backed up my MySQL database with mysqldump, uninstalled the old version 4.1 and began installed the new version, unfortunately the installation always failed with this message: MySQL Server 5.1 Setup Wizard ended prematurely The wizard was interrupted before MySQL Server 5.1. could be completely installed. Your system has not been modified. To complete installation at another time, please run setup again. Again, the old uncle google came to help. This is MySQL's bug, didn't they test it before releasing the new version? Google pointed me to a solution : you need to download and install orca, a tool for editing MSI files, which can be downloaded from here . Open the MySQL msi installation file, find and delete the action row SetDateTime an...
Personal notes of Bambang Pranoto of various computing topics especially programming